What to expect ?
Each dog is unique and treatment plans will be customized accordingly.
The needs of each dog are unique and treatment plans will be customized accordingly.
Please get your dog checked by a veterinarian and bring along any available diagnosis results for the initial consultation. In this session, which lasts about 60 minutes, ample time is taken to assess your dog and accordingly a customized therapy plan will be created.
Follow-up sessions will take about 30 to 60 minutes depending on your dog’s therapy plan. It is important to note that one cannot expect the animal to be cured after one session.
The number and frequency of sessions needed, will depend on the initial problem and the progress of the dog. Plans are flexible and will constantly be adapted to the needs and progress of the individual dog.
Physiotherapy needs to be stress-free for your dog to promote healing. Therefore, I encourage owners to attend. This way I can also show you any possible exercises to be done at home as to speed up recovery in between treatments.
Physiotherapy does not replace a diagnostic and treatment by your veterinarian !

Do you see him slow down on walks, having difficulties getting up or maybe reluctant to play or use stairs? Yes dogs get to live to an older age, and are subject to age-related conditions.
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common musculoskeletal diseases in aging dogs and can be a frustrating condition for you and for your pet. However a lot of dogs with osteoarthritis will benefit from physical therapy, as it can reduce the speed of the deterioration and keep them moving to a right old age.
Therefore, don’t give up, but get up with your dog and contact me to see how physiotherapy can help your aging dog.
Physiotherapy is complementary to, and does not replace, a veterinary diagnosis and treatment.
- Payment to be made in full at each treatment in either cash or card
- If you need to cancel, please give a minimum of 24 hours notice so the session can be rearranged. In case of notification less than 24 hours beforehand or in case of a no-show, the session will be charged in full. Thanks for your understanding.
- Please note that the Packs (5 or 10 treatments) are payable upon the first treatment and are non-refundable in case of incomplete usage.
- Please arrive slightly early to allow time to walk your dog so it can relieve itself before entering. If an accident were due to happen in the underwater treadmill, this will need to be shut down for the day to allow cleaning and disinfection, in which case a compensation of 150 euros will be charged.
- Please leash your dog on the parking and in the building, till arrival in the practice. Out of respect for the residents in the building, please do not allow your dog to relieve itself on the grass around the parking.
- Do not feed your dog for a minimum of 2 hours before the session and ideally until 2 hours following the session.
- Please ensure your dog is dry, has been brushed and any dirt has been removed, specifically for those using the underwater treadmill as we want to keep the water as clean as possible for the dogs coming after you.
- If your dog has hydrotherapy, please bring a towel.
- If your dog likes specific treats or has dietary requirements, bring some of his doggie snacks for motivation.
Please advise if you (or your dog) are pregnant or have a pacemaker (for the magnetic fields/hydrotherapy treadmill)
Your dog should not have hydrotherapy in the below cases. If so, please advise me or contact me beforehand to reschedule the session or arrange an alternative treatment :
- Diarrhea within 24 hours
- Open wound
- Dermatological issues (incl. hot spots)
- Infection (for instance urinary tract infection)
- Fever
- Certain heart or respiratory conditions